Exercise and Cancer

Just as exercise is fundamental to aging well in general, it is also key to preventing the onset of cancer, reducing the side effects, enhancing the efficacy of cancer treatments, and preventing recurrence.

Research confirms the benefits for breast and colon cancer patients in particular, with patients who exercise shown to have reduced rates for death from their cancer and other causes as well.

Exercises offers significant benefits for cancer patients, according to the World Health Organization.Add the significant benefits for these folks of being more active and less tired.

The American Cancer Society says that poor diet, obesity, and lack of exercise account for one-third one-half of all cancers.

WHO (the World Health Organization) found that exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent and can decrease the risk of breast cancer recurring by at least the same amount.

As little as 30 minutes daily of moderate activity dramatically boosts the cancer-related health benefits.

So – never mind the outdated advice to “take it easy if you have cancer.” With obvious caution – overdoing exercise isn’t beneficial – get moving and start enjoying the benefits now!