Complementary Cancer Therapies Offer Hope for “Radical Remission”

Kelly Turner’s research focuses on the factors that allow cancer patients to experience “radical remission.”

Kelly Turner, PhD

Kelly Turner, PhD

Turner defines “radical” remissions as occurring:

  • Without any conventional medical treatment, or
  • After conventional treatment has failed, or
  • When conventional and complementary methods are used in conjunction to overcome a dire prognosis (“dire” = cancers with less than 25 percent five-year survival rate).

Turner, who received her B.A. from Harvard and her Ph.D. at UC Berkeley, describes her findings in Radical Remission: The Nine Key Factors That Can Make a Real Difference.

To uncover the factors that contribute to radical remission, Turner traveled to 10 countries to interview 50 holistic healers and 20 radical remission survivors about their chosen healing techniques. She also analyzed more than 3500 case studies of advanced cancers.

Turner lists the common factors among patients who experienced remission — they:

  1. Radically changed their diet
  2. Took control of their health
  3. Followed their intuition
  4. Used herbs and supplements
  5. Released suppressed emotions
  6. Increased positive emotions
  7. Embraced social support
  8. Deepened their spiritual connection
  9. Had strong reasons for living

Radical Remission is an inspiring book, both for patients seeking remission, and for all those who would like to adopt these effective strategies for prevention. Turner suggests many easy, practical ways to implement these changes in our daily lives. Highly recommended!

(For complete information on Kelly Turner’s Radical Remission Project, see

 — Dr. Connie

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